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Help with Corsair Vengeance LPX 3000

Level 8
Could someone help me with the memory since I can't get it to work @ 2933. POSTing always resets it to 2133 if I try. I managed to set them to 2666 just by setting the frequency and voltages to 1.35, sometimes cold booting resets them, but usually machine boots ok and is stable, running 24/7 anyway.
I have put 3800MHz to my 7 1700 by setting ratio and have 1.36250 voltage, which shows weirdly up to 1.417 in BIOS & AI Suite III, I guess it's ok. System seems to be stable otherwise, but I wouldn't mind getting memory working 2933MHz too.
My sticks are CMK32GX4M2B3000C15 - 2 x 16GB

Level 7
The best way to start is to set the BIOS at default using F5 and reboot to BIOS. I would then go to the timings and set the first three to 16-18-18. Then move down the page to Geardown, disable it and set the command rate to 2T then reboot it. Back in BIOS try moving the frequency up start at 2666 then reboot and set it to 2933. See if this works. Leave the DRAM voltage at auto.

I'm using BIOS 1201 may, I don't think I have those geardown & command rate options there. If there's a newer BIOS, I'd try that if I knew where to get it.

Level 7
Here's the newest 1401 BIOS
They're located in a sticky at the top of this section. With the new BIOS your sticks might work with the DOCP. Just set defaults F5 before you flash to the new one.

Yes, I found it.

I flashed the BIOS, put the CPU clock ratio to 38, set the memory 2933, did the timings 16-18-18, disabled Gear Down and put 2T
and I'm now in Windows with my RAM @ 2933.

Thank you so much 🙂

Level 7
You're welcome. If you feel brave you could try setting it to 3200 and see if it still works. Worst is boot issues and you have to set it back. Best case it works and you get another 250MHz
EDIT: check the tFAW setting. On my sticks auto set it a bit tight for 3200 and had to change from 31 to 36. It actually improved the latency by loosening it a bit

Just tried with 3200, but was a no go, reseted to 2133 - I'd sure like that, but since I'm really not familiar with all those settings I'd need more suggestions then. So far so good.

Level 7
One more thing you can try before reverting to 2933 is setting the DRAM voltage to 1.38 and the SOC voltage to 1.0. and then leaving it at 2933 set the BCLK to 109.4 you'll need AITweaker in manual, that should get the ram to 3200. This is what I needed to do with my Hynix. If that doesn't work I would set it back to the 2933 you have now

Tried that but didn't work, I'm fine with this now, don't wanna start too much tinkering at least for now. But it seems that I have another problem now, CPU-Z & AI Suite both report my bus speed lower than 100, atm it's 99.9, but has been 99.7 too. I hope they are just showing it wrong or something, all what I have done in BIOS afterall is increasing CPUs ratio.

Level 7
No you're fine that's completely normal for the BCLK to vary like that