I have 2Kits of F4-3200C14D-32GTZ and would like to share timing and some tips for getting good memory speeds without errors and running RAM cooler.
The idea is to get ProcODT_SM voltage low to help ram run at lower power .
I was stuck at ProcODT_SM [96 ohm] for 3200mhz and even 3333mhz and changing it to any value will result in reboot loop.
Advanced \ AMD CBS \ DDR4 Common Options \ CAD Configuration
CAD Bus Driver Strenght User Controls = Manual
ClkDrvbStren = 40.0 Ohm
AddrCmdDrvStren = 20.0 Ohm
CsOdtDrvStren = 40.0 Ohm
CkeDrvStren = 40.0 Ohm
RttNom = Auto for 64GB and RZQ/3 for 32GB
RttWr = RZQ/3
RttPark = RZQ/1
Here are some settings that may help you.
Optimized Setting for 64GB 2 x F4-3200C14D-32GTZ Kit
Settings file
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bxyrai_xqj-9ZVltbWlBQUE2cm8please use **ProcODT_SM [60 ohm] instead of 53.3
RttNom = Auto for 64GB and RZQ/3 for 32GB
RttWr = RZQ/3
RttPark = RZQ/1
CPU SOC Voltage [Offset mode]
VDDSOC Offset Mode Sign [-] -
VDDSOC Voltage Offset [0.12500]
DRAM Voltage [1.34500]
DRAM VBoot Voltage [1.34500]
Motherboard - ASUS C6H
Bios - 1501
CPU Ryzen 1800x
Memory F4-3200C14D-32GTZ x 2
Stress test Tools : Prime 95 loop and techpowerup memtest
Thank you harrysun for CAD bus settings