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Dark Hero audio drivers for Windows 11 pulled?

Level 9

About a week ago, I browsed to the support page for the ASUS Crosshair VIII Dark Hero (at, and in the Windows 11 section, I could see a new Realtek audio driver (file name I downloaded the file but haven't had the chance to install it yet.

Today, having browsed to the same page, I can no longer see said driver there. Interestingly, an updated Windows 11 audio driver for the Crosshair VIII Hero is still accessible at its respective support page. Given that both Hero and Dark Hero share the same audio hardware, I am puzzled as to why that is.

Has the audio driver been pulled? and if such is indeed the case -- why?


Level 12
Hmmm. Yep they are the same. I guess the only difference is in the marketing text. Thanks for clarifying that once and for all. I did not mean to confuse things any more than they already are.

Level 9
You both made good points there. To a casual eye the hardware specs sound different. When in reality they're probably the same but marketing speak has taken effect. This is problematic for us as customers because it makes decision making that little bit more confusing.

To Asus: if it's the same codec describe it the same, don't obfuscate it. It doesn't help your customers! Also, if there was a problem with the drivers (eg: the recent realtek ones) then don't just pull them - put an explanation on the support site so customers know WHY they were pulled. It might help poor suckers like me who downloaded, installed and had problems.

I wouldn't mind Asus (or any company) bundling extra stuff with drivers. BUT they need to be clear and upfront about it and include simple options that allow us to choose what gets installed. As a (bad) example, the 8960 realtek drivers from the CH8DH download have install.bat, Setup.exe, AsusSetup.exe all in the root folder. That's poor design, the root folder should have probably two files - readme.txt and install.bat. And readme.txt just says run install.bat. Everything else is in nested subfolders so there is no confusion.

Similarly, those subfolders should have names that are more meaningful to a user than UWP, VAD and Win64. Although, if they do this next step it shouldn't matter... When the installer starts it ABSOLUTELY should ask us which components we want to install, not default to installing EVERYTHING! Ask me if I want Sonic Radar (I DON'T!), Sonic Studio, A-Volute etc. And while we're at it, actually give at least some explanation of what each component is for.

And finally, they need to have a proper uninstall that completely cleans up everything the install did. It shouldn't be on the user to try to figure out how to uninstall each component and HOPE that they got them all.

Level 12
I agree with everything you said 1000%. It would be great if Asus had clear and consistent marketing, properly structured driver packages, and clean uninstalls. While were at it let's throw in meaningful update details for new Bios releases. Unfortunately, Asus has been pretty bad at all of these things for a long time. I don't see it changing anytime soon. On the other hand, if they keep having high profile problems with their upper tier products, people will start going to other brands. THe Z690 Hero has had a bad run with backwards capacitors that are a ticking timebomb to catastrophic failure (widely covered in the press), the power up issue (44 page thread), and the NVME drive issues (16 page thread). That's a pretty bad track record for thier most popular tier latest CPU/Chipset product.

I have always bought Asus motherboards (except for an EVGA X59 board that is still running). I don't know if my next build will be Zen4 or if I'll wait until Meteor Lake is released. Whichever it is, I will still consider an Asus board first, but I will definitely wait a few months after release and keep an eye on a bunch of forums, Reddit, and the various trade publications. When I used to shop Asus boards, wondering if they would catch on fire was not on my list of things to check for. Now it is.

Level 7
Any updates here? Seems they've been pulled for months... would be nice to get an answer. Or are we blaming this on Covid and chip supply constraints? lol wrote:
Any updates here? Seems they've been pulled for months... would be nice to get an answer. Or are we blaming this on Covid and chip supply constraints? lol

Today I saw an update on the drivers page for the Crosshair VIII Dark Hero. The updated audio driver version is (dated June 17, 2022). I have not tried these drivers yet (if anyone has -- please let us know about your experience with them).

See here: