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Code F9 "recovery capsule is not found"

Level 7
I'm writing to you guys with a strange one.
My crosshair 7 hero x470 whatever died on me one day without any clear reason. I've send it back on a warranty service. After around a month I received A board back. A board because it wasn't my board and it wasn't new as it wore clear signs of use.
So, I spent a long evening to change the mobo. All done, time to boot...
Now! The system only gets up if I leave my memory in defaults. That would be 2400mhz for my sticks. BUT the biis sets my mems to 2133 and if I try to do anything at all about it, it gives me the F9 error code.
I'm completely stuned by this.
I swapped the board yesterday from some gigabyte b450 I bought for temporary solution. DIMMS worked well in MY crosshair and the cheap gigabyte board but not here.
I even took the gigantic cpu cooler off to check on the sticks and slots and everything seems to be just fine.

Is there a point of checking all slots X sticks configurations? I'd have to install the wraith for this as my cooler does not allow access to the sticks.

Edit: solved

Level 7
ciastonn wrote:

Edit: solved

How did you solve the problem?

Booted twice after flashing with bios 2501, but now my Crosshair VII Hero WiFi is showing code F9, almost as soon as it boots.

jacobling wrote:
How did you solve the problem?

Booted twice after flashing with bios 2501, but now my Crosshair VII Hero WiFi is showing code F9, almost as soon as it boots.

I don't know what it is but on mine, if you let it go when you see F9 it will restart and run normally, just gave it a minute. I think it has something to do with memory.. I THINK:)

Unfortunately mine goes from F9 to 0D, even when I leave it alone for several minutes. I haven't touched the ram since I inserted the sticks a year ago and I don't have extra DDR4 sticks to test with .:-/