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cLDO VDDP Voltage whats the min?

Level 7
I have some Mricon Rev E (Crucial Ballistix Elite BLE2K8G4D36BEEAK 3600 MHz) rated timings of 16-18-18-38; On a Crosshair hero vii with a 2700. At the moment the 2700 has been manually overclocked to 40.25GHz.

The memory is running at;
tCL 14
tRP 14
tRAS 32.

These settings are from Dram calculator and the other timings have been set to what was stated in the Dram calculator as well. (image attached)

In memtestPro and other memory tests I have been getting a single error that keeps happening in the first 50%. I have looked into a lot of settings and tried a lot of things to get rid of the error. Last night I was playing around with the cLDO VDDP Voltage as the tech power up says it can help with stability

Dram calculator says the minimum voltage should be 0.700v, which as far as I have read is 700 in the bios. I read a thread in linustectips saying to try 700, 866 or 913. Firstly I’m not sure why those numbers, but I tried them and if anything it made things worse. I then tried running the cLDO VDDP at 0.650v (650) in the bios, and it ran to 120% with no error until I turned off and went to bed.

So what is the minimum voltage? Is there a minimum voltage? Is it safe to run the cLDO VDDP at 0.650v or lower and what will happen if I do? I can’t find much about the cLOD VDDP Voltage. As far as I know the cLDO VDDP is the voltage to the physical-layer interface that converts information from the memory controllers to a format the DDR4 memory modules can understand.

Thank you for any help.