07:48 AM
- last edited on
08:33 PM
03-21-2019 07:57 AM
03-21-2019 08:13 AM
Arne Saknussemm wrote:
Core temps will reflect the load on the CPU and even at "idle", background processes will be boosting core speeds and temps...so my first guess would be that's what you are seeing...
03-21-2019 08:30 AM
03-21-2019 08:52 AM
Arne Saknussemm wrote:
Yes, core temps will vary a lot if the load on them increases or decreases a large percentage.
One thing to note, running multiple software that polls the sensors at the same time can give bad readings...
If you have no reason to doubt the cooler is functioning, I would assume the temps you are seeing are reflecting core temps and fluctuating with AFR...as cores go from idle to load.
03-21-2019 08:59 AM
03-21-2019 09:03 AM
03-21-2019 10:41 AM
03-21-2019 10:59 AM
Arne Saknussemm wrote:
It's my understanding that AI suite reports a composite temperature of CPU Package and core temps...so I figure it would fluctuate...but I may be wrong on this...maybe someone with the same hardware combo can confirm or deny the fluctuation.
Does Ryzen Master show the same fluctuation?
CPU temp or package temp should not fluctuate like that...core temps will if they are working
If you don't trust the cooler...sure, try a different one...better to rule out malfunction
03-21-2019 11:55 AM