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BIOS won't save any changes

Level 7

Recently I've build a PC with the mother Crosshair Hero VI, Ryzen 7 1700, 16gb Ram Corsair 3200mhz and a GTX 1060, SSd 240gb and HDD 2TB. I've build and configure everything and send to the customer with no problem. The PC took 3 days to arrive and when he start it, the fan error appears, he ignores it and saves the configuration (because it's informs that the fan is not working when it's spinning at correct RPM) after that, PC boot correctly.
After 8-10hs of a shutdown, he start again thre pc and the error appears again. No matter what he changes or reconfigure that the BIOS restores to almost factory values. Date and time go back inicial dates and hour 00hs.

Have any idea? CR32 pile it's ok connected, and after first boot it wasn't desconnected from power .

Any idea o help it's highly appreciated.

Take in consideration that I have to remotely support. I don't know if something could happened during the trip.

Level 7
I wonder if the CR32 battery is dead? Did you test to see if it had a charge?

Level 13
Battery should not matter so long as it stays plugged in and 5V standby is available. Sounds like to me that either the non volatile rom is volatile or there is a case short.

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein

Level 13
Battery should not matter so long as it stays plugged in and 5V standby is available. Sounds like to me that either the non volatile rom is volatile or there is a case short. Only thing I could recommend woould be to pull the board from the case and test on box top. Ive also seen in the past a PSU dragging it down.

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein