04:41 PM
- last edited on
10:18 PM
04-17-2017 10:17 PM
04-17-2017 10:57 PM
04-18-2017 05:04 AM
injurer wrote:
I'm running a 4x8@2666 Corsair Dominator Platinum DDR4 kit perfectly fine a bit over 3200 and even lowered the original timings. It works both with 1T and 2T BIOS.
It's perfectly stable and I was running AIDA64 stress test for a couple of hours without issues. The only thing you should have in mind I've adjusted the base clock at around 120 MHz.
The exact model is: CMD32GX4M4A2666C15
I'm also waiting to receive a 2x16 Corsair Dominator Platinum kit @3200 to see if I can push it at even higher speeds and to see how a 2 stick kits works with Ryzen.
04-18-2017 05:33 PM
04-19-2017 03:50 PM
BaneSilvermoon wrote:
I've got 4x8 Flare X running at 3200 currently, but I had to loosen the timings. I'm currently working on tightening them back up to see where the limit is.
04-19-2017 10:48 PM
SexyTerrorisT wrote:
Sweet are you running them lower than 18-16-16-38? Did you need to tweak voltages to manage?
04-22-2017 07:22 AM
BaneSilvermoon wrote:
I literally spent the entire day yesterday playing with RAM settings. I work from home and started screwing with it four hours before my shift, had a slow night, and ended up spending 12+ hours sitting nearby my PC adjusting and testing things.The lowest timings I've gotten to post were 17,17,17,37. Which was quickly unstable in windows.
Oddly, I still haven't seen ANY improvement whatsoever from changing voltages. I ended up just assuming that it's because the RAM is running below it's stock settings, so it must not be pushing the RAM itself hard enough to benefit from voltage changes, but who knows. I may still mess with that some more for tightening later. Perhaps I'm missing some other voltage setting that is needed.
The timings I settled in on yesterday were 18,16,16,45 at stock voltage. I left memtest running overnight and after 1300% pass, had about 5 errors.
So I lazily bumped them all up one. CPU-Z currently reads 20, 17, 17, 46.
I let memtest run while I was doing stuff earlier and got a 750% pass with no errors, which is probably good enough to consider this a stable base to work from for now.
04-23-2017 12:56 AM
CAP1TAL wrote:
So which one would be faster, 3000mhz 14,14,14,34 or 3200mhz 18,16,16,36?
04-28-2017 05:52 PM
BaneSilvermoon wrote:
I've got 4x8 Flare X running at 3200 currently, but I had to loosen the timings. I'm currently working on tightening them back up to see where the limit is.
04-29-2017 02:21 AM