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been a while! back with a monster build

Level 10
well its half a monster im still waiting to get a GPU at a normal fricken price ....
so after waiting forever and plugging along with the old 1800x on a VI Hero
i went and built a Asus Crosshair VIII formula water cooled with a 3950x and 16 gigs of some killler corsair ram which by the way will do 4200mhz at max i can go on infinity is 1911mhz,.......but after this betta bios update i cant OC my cpu what so ever .....nothing is stable on the cpu oc...infinity fabric does 1911 at stupid low voltage now and ram ...well wow....cept ram copy ....still low as ever....but IF. and RAM do what they used to at way lower voltage .....and i heard this is all due to not having vrm's configured and stabilized in this 3202 beta bios that for real .....does asus want us to blow our pc's up? after some quick configuring here is what i got ....ram is jacked as well as 3950x is sitting at its stock boost settings .....if i run my normal 1911 IF i have to change BCLK and that locks my cpu out of its stock boost capabilities bummer......any way this new build is wickedly fast when my normal oc is raging with in it.....and good lord man if i dont replace my old fricken radeon r9 390's soon im freak out .. is some shots of performance i get ..

and a pic of my system

here is what i got with my normal settings on this rig in the cpuz bench test