06-04-2018 08:46 PM
07-11-2018 01:55 AM
07-11-2018 01:59 AM
07-12-2018 08:12 AM
07-13-2018 09:06 AM
07-13-2018 09:35 AM
Allikat wrote:
Come on Asus!
Don't make me regret coming back! This board needs a new BIOS desperately!:mad::mad:
I just blew a heap of cash on some nice fast B-die (no, it's not on the QVL, but it's still damned B-die and it's only stable at 2866 on my Ryzen 1600! I got better than that with an MSI B350 using Hynix AFR on the same CPU!
07-13-2018 09:54 AM
07-13-2018 09:10 PM
Sarronco wrote:
I also have temperature issues with this board. I traded a Prime X470-Pro for this one and i had way better temps with the first one using the same exact system, but it seems to me it's not a case of high temps but a case of wrong readings from the sensor on the board. I have a corsair h105 and just hanging on window I have like 60º/70ºC if I put my hand on the radiator the thing is not that hot and the air coming from the back fan of my case is cold.
07-13-2018 10:49 PM
AniChatt wrote:
"I have like 60º/70ºC" - where it is coming from? which monitor u r using to check this? what is your room ambient temp?
I am even not using 4011. I am with 4008 without any single issue so far. However from the posts it seems that the auto is not that good for this mobo.
07-14-2018 03:04 AM
Sarronco wrote:
Well i use CAM with a GRID+ to controll fans, but i also checked my temps on HWinfo and Ryzer Master and they are consistent.
I also tried a fixed 4ghz@1.28v, the temps are better but not that much like 5º to 8º C, with a 4.1ghz@1.38v i have the same exact temps as if im in auto.