06-04-2018 08:46 PM
06-13-2022 10:59 AM
eXeToR wrote:
If you run it like that it's running on stock values, if you've only changed that the changes don't do anything as far as I know (I might be wrong).
11-26-2022 01:52 AM
jowdyboy wrote:
Hey! Well, I'm at the point now in my life now where I simply don't care (or have time to care) about fine-tuning my components like I used to when I was younger.
When I had the 2700X in my system (it's now in the GF's system in a similar ASUS X470-I ITX Motherboard), I had the SOC and CPU voltages set to the "-" offset, with the "auto" value. I'm using the same offset settings in my current 5900X system. At the moment, "HWMONITOR" and "HWINFO" are reporting that my SOC's max voltage is "1.000", but averages "0.995". My CPU voltage hits a max of "1.487", and averages "1.420". Averages were calculated after using the system for 5 minutes with moderate usage (YouTube, Excel, etc.).
I couldn't tell you what the average voltages are for the 2700X build using the "auto" negative offset values, because I'm not sitting in front of it currently.
11-29-2022 01:43 PM
Alex0915 wrote:
I still have the 2700X in mine, do you know if I should upgrade the BIOS to the latest version? I want to be able to use Win 11. Also might be upgrading to the 5950X in the near future (can it run on air cooling-- if not, what's the best processor for this motherboard that can?). Also I have 32 GB of memory (16 GB x 2 Crucial).....would the latest BIOS allow me to use more memory.... like, 128 GB?
Alex0915 wrote:
Also will the asus rtx 3060 v2 TUF gaming card work with this motherboard? It is pcie 4.0 and has 12 GB of VRAM.
11-29-2022 03:05 PM
sstiingya wrote:
BUMP! By chance does anyone have any advice on these 2 posts? (seems like the video card is a go? But IDK?)
I'm also considering upgrading to a 5900x since they are so cheap right now or just doing the 5950x but still have the 2700x it came with. Any issues with updating the BIOS with my current configuration? Does the RAM installed really matter for the processor? OR is it just to optimize/get the best performance out of it? I've got 32GB, but would like to go 64. (and if 128 is possibility that's worth considering at least) But it would be great to know if I can do this in stages. Update my BIOS now, then buy new RAM, then a new Video card, and then upgrade the processor so I could space out the purchases. (instead of having to buy it all at once, and it might be video card first because of a sale, etc.)
Xmas is EXPENSIVE! So I want to take advantage of some of the deals going on, but would also like to keep spending in check...
11-29-2022 03:34 PM
05-26-2022 05:00 PM
eXeToR wrote:
You've had a 2700X before, do you by any chance remember the offset values you were using with the previous CPU? I haven't upgraded mine yet, I would like to have an approximate range to play with. Mine runs on stock values at the moment, if you've other recommendations regarding BIOS settings to turn on/off feel free to throw them at me.
06-10-2022 08:24 AM
AlleyViper wrote:
Only had a 2600x, now running on a tomahawk max2, but it's usual to expect something in the -0.05 to -0.1V range with auto/low llc. If scalar is left at 1x, the max stable offset might not go so high, as you're not countering the added voltage by higher scalar. Small 0,0125V increments can make significant stability differences, as a slightly higher voltage can also result in less ~25-50Mhz at the same load where it was failing before.
On my particular 2600x sample, with raised PBO limits but scalar kept at 1x, I can only reduce to -0.05V for it to be stable in everything I throw without random blackscreens at lighter/sc loads. With higher scalar like 7x, -0,0675 was ok (but in practice voltages where higher). IIRC on my 470-F at 10X -0.075V seemed okayish, but I've never tested so extensively on single core loads.
All of the above was for the older and agesa I run. The newer come with a newer Pinnacle Ridge SMU, and I have no idea if they share the 1.425V vid limit (seen for more recent cpus on those agesa) when EDC is set over max stock (140A for "105W" models), which can hurt single core boost.
06-10-2022 10:34 AM
06-15-2022 12:36 PM
06-18-2022 05:38 AM