06-04-2018 08:46 PM
11-06-2019 08:26 AM
schmak wrote:
I didn't get much out of 1usmus's profile. We are missing the core scheduler v2 so that's probably why, as its on It also messed up my low end P State to 3400 Mhz instead of 2200 which of course increased temps. Performance was a wash, from 7102 CB20 score to 7130, so well within a standard deviation. I'd wait until before anyone tries it with our board.
Windows 10 should have the scheduler optimization already in it, but folks are saying this month's release/update should have more in it?
10-30-2019 01:44 PM
10-31-2019 12:21 AM
kasenoh wrote:
Lots of problems using rog strix x470 f gaming with ryzen 2600 , bios version 5220
I need to try maybe 4 or 5 times to change something in bios because the motherboard dont save the changes. CPU OC is possible only with manual v, offset mode dont work, D.O.C.P dont work., Memory you can do, but trying lots of time. The saved profiles dont work properly. Dont save and dont load the info and you can`t delete.
And a strange _ appears before American Megatrends screen.
I will replace the ryzen 2600 with a 3700x or 4000 line but until that day, I hope to have a motherboard that is at least functional and not bug-packed.
It sounds strange to me that the settings and limitations are not set by the processor but by a package of general modifications that try to encompass them all.
My only option is try bios 4206? its sad...
11-01-2019 07:03 AM
Spook161 wrote:
Is it really that unexpected? 4206 came out in March, which gives it a year of updates to optimize for the 2xxx platfrom. We're fortunate in that we don't have to change the motherboard, like on an intel platform with every new generation. Now, you can run your 2xxx chip with a year of optimizations, until you decide to get the next generation. Then you only need a chip, a newer bios revision, and a few driver updates. Its actually pretty nice compared to the alternative.
11-01-2019 09:34 AM
11-01-2019 11:42 AM
Spook161 wrote:
... which gives it a year of updates to optimize for the 2xxx platfrom.
10-30-2019 02:26 PM
Topfn wrote:
you're welcome. enjoy your beast CPU 😄
kinda sad for a ROG board to have SSC hidden.. on a prime or TUF.. ok.. but ROG?
10-31-2019 02:27 PM
frissonfry wrote:
It's not acceptable on any motherboard. They actually had to put effort into hiding the setting rather than just leaving it exposed. It's been available on almost every motherboard I've ever owned and I typically buy low and midrange boards.
10-31-2019 02:57 AM