06-04-2018 08:46 PM
09-02-2019 11:38 AM
frissonfry wrote:
Thanks for being much more polite about this than I would have been. It seems like almost every other motherboard in the 4xx series has gotten a update by now except ours. Why doesn't Asus have more BIOS engineers?
08-31-2019 03:04 PM
Panicattak wrote:
ciao, scrivo dall'italia
possiedo questa scheda madre, come processore il ryzen 2700x, aio corsair h115i pro e ram gskill 2x8 3200 cl16
mi consigliate il miglior bios da installare e i settaggi per farlo rendere? grazie
08-12-2019 09:25 PM
schmak wrote:
Check your frequency, I am guessing it is not throttling down or often, its an issue for me too, but I use five powershell commands to fix it, make sure you are on the balanced plan and do not have performance all the way up in the W10 slider:
Powercfg.exe -setacvalueindex scheme_current sub_processor PERFINCPOL 2
Powercfg.exe -setacvalueindex scheme_current sub_processor PERFDECPOL 1
Powercfg.exe -setacvalueindex scheme_current sub_processor PERFINCTHRESHOLD 70
Powercfg.exe -setacvalueindex scheme_current sub_processor PERFDECTHRESHOLD 50
Powercfg.exe /setactive scheme_current
You can set the 70 and 50 to something you are more comfortable with, but what this does is increases the checks to increase or lower the processor frequency, and then tells it to only go up to max at 70% on a core, and drop back down a state when under 50, then the last line "sets" it. This will only change it for the power plan you are currently on. Before I had it my CPU would stay at 4350 (2700x) and 45-50C, never downclocking or lowering the voltage. Now it stays around 40-29C depending on activity and constatnly lowers the voltage.
08-16-2019 07:20 AM
ayonarith wrote:
Yes your right my frequency stays around 4300 and hardly ever throttles down. how and where do i input those commands?
08-15-2019 01:43 AM
08-19-2019 01:41 PM
08-19-2019 07:43 PM
apaniagua wrote:
So I have the 2700x and the X470-F. Updated it (stupidly enough) to the 5204. I was getting errors on my RAM at stock speeds 2400mhz. Now I updated the BIOS again to 5204 and it boots with no issues at 2400mhz with no errors at memtest. If I OC to 3000mhz which was my previous OC, Windows goes BSOD. If I run memtest I get like 20 errors on just the first test....I cap RAM is Ballistix Gaming 32GB Kit
08-20-2019 07:07 PM
gdaswani wrote:
You aren�t running a Ryzen 2 CPU, why don�t you just downgrade the BIOS to the last version before they added Matisse support?
Explicitly said if you ain�t having problems with your version, to not upgrade if you aren�t planning on running a Matisse chip.
08-20-2019 10:23 PM