06-04-2018 08:46 PM
04-15-2019 04:59 PM
Aeratiel wrote:
look at previos page there are 2 links one of them for the tool that make backup of serial number of ur motherboard mac adress and uuin flashing stock bios according to the overclock guide will erase those values. u need to download program FD44Editor and modify bios that u downgrade for
so back up those 3 values at first.
basically, you're gonna flash a stock bios at first and overwrite those numbers.
right after this you're gonna flash a modified/personalized bios and get those values back.
download the stock bios and extract it (.cap)
create a copy of the 4207.cap and rename it (something like 4207mod.cap)
download FD44Editor
open 4207mod.cap with FD44Editor
write those 3 values into the bios and save(overwrite the copied bios that you just opened) that bios - it should be 4207mod.bin afterwards
enable file extensions in the explorer and change .bin to .rom
put both bios (4207.cap and 4207mod.rom) on the USB drive as described in the overclock guide
boot into bios and load default/optimized settings
reboot into bios again
boot from usb
follow the overclock guide
flash the stock .cap bios at first (Afuefix64 4207.cap /P /B /N /K /X /CLRCFG)
flash the modified/personalized bios (Afugan 4207mod.rom /GAN)
reboot -> load optimized settings;
CMOS reset can't hurt either
04-15-2019 11:29 PM
Gaboexe wrote:
it appeared ROM file information does not match system BIOS do you continue to flsh? YES/NO
04-15-2019 11:42 PM
04-16-2019 03:07 AM
ayonarith wrote:
I know this has already been discussed multiple times, but has anyone figured out to lower the cpu temps on this motherboard? at first i thought it was my cooler not working, so i reapplied thermal paste and reseated the cooler to make sure it was completely tightened. temps were slightly better but still idling in between the 50s and occastionlly jump to 60. i have a friend with the same exact build but with an aorus x470 motherboard, and he idles in the 30s. I thought i just got a bad cpu but then i came arcoss this thread with many others having the same issue. any recommendations?
Thanks in advance..
04-16-2019 02:44 PM
norman_87 wrote:
Are you using windows balanced power plan? If not do so to have your cores and voltage go down while idling. If you're using high performance mode this could cause your high idling temp due to voltage.
04-16-2019 01:13 AM
04-16-2019 02:46 PM
ArjenP wrote:
As far as I can tell this board just has very high default voltages. My temps use to be in the 50s on idle before I made some changes. All I had to do is set PE to default, PBO settings manually to 1000/114/168 (which is the same as PE auto on 4207 and earlier biosses if I'm not mistaken) and a -0.1v cpu offset.
These are my idle temps now
04-16-2019 04:32 PM
04-17-2019 07:38 AM
ayonarith wrote:
Were there any performance decrease with these changes? Also what's your setup? I'm running a ryzen 7 2700x gskill trident 3200mhz with a kraken x62 aio. Also I'm still in a earlier bios which is 4018. Havnt updated cuz I cant find the chipsets needed to update bios.
04-17-2019 07:51 AM