12-29-2024 10:27 AM
Hello, it’s the RogStriz Z590 good for Ram and CPU overlook?
It’s a 1.55v safe DRam voltage for this mobo with a B-die RAM and a 10900k ?
12-29-2024 04:40 PM
Hello Dimidragos
Yes, 1.55v is fine for Samsung B-Die.
12-30-2024 08:04 PM
its a temp thing man .....thats a intel system .... ima amd guy so not sure what to tell you ....but i know i do not like my ram going any higher then 40c for a daily system just cuz of stability reason .....hot ram fails more then cool ram even if its just that one hickup to blue screen you ...if your 1.55 volts every day all day hope you got a fan on it ......