08-02-2019 03:31 AM
09-21-2020 12:00 PM
chief gunney wrote:
Gigaflux, I went through all the settings in Bios 2606 and could not see any setting for ERP ready.
09-02-2020 12:00 AM
09-02-2020 07:59 PM
Raventlov wrote:
Hi guys,
could anyone do me a favor? would you kindly check if offset voltage on the core is working as intended?
Because if i set an off set voltage with the minus sign it increase the peak voltage during a CB run and if i set with the plus sign it decrease.
It should be the other way around, am i right?
Do a CB20 nT stock and take note of the peak voltage during the run through Ryzen Master.
Then do da same with an off set, very very small like 0.02500 and tell me if it works as intended.
Bios 2606 no mod
09-03-2020 09:48 AM
finnstop wrote:
I used to have a stable -.05 offset before installing 2606 (Tested using Prime 95 small fft and also "blend") . Now I am at something like -.0375 with this BIOS version. Any larger with the offset and I will have 2 threads quit on me. I think something may have changed with some aspect of voltages with this version.
To answer your question, when running CB20, I also see the reported peak core voltage in RM being higher with the offset than with none. Not sure that is normal and hadn't looked at that before with my earlier BIOS versions. I guess it could reflect that the requested voltage amount is higher to compensate for the offset. Next time under loads I will look at HWInfo CPU Core Voltage SVI2 TFN values and see if that is doing similar.
09-03-2020 10:54 AM
finnstop wrote:
Update: Compared logging values in HWInfo during CB20 runs and I found the following:
- With offset in place all of the Core VID Voltage numbers read higher compared to no offset.
- With offset in place the CPU Core Voltage (SVI2 TFN) numbers read lower compared to no offset.
- With offset in place the CPU Core VID (effective) numbers read higher compared to no offset.
- With offset in place the core clocks read higher vs no offset.
09-14-2020 05:09 AM
09-15-2020 05:16 AM
comfuzio13 wrote:
Today there is a new driver for Audio in the website but I can't get it to work with Sonic Studio & Radar.
I did clean install with DDU and I've tried to upgrade the drivers but the problem still persists.
They've added DTS app though
09-15-2020 06:12 PM
Raventlov wrote:
DTS is not meant to be used with our motherboard.
SupremeFX 8-Channel High Definition Audio CODEC S1220A
- Dual OP Amplifiers
- Impedance sense for front and rear headphone outputs
- Supports : Jack-detection, Multi-streaming, Front Panel Jack-retasking
- High quality 120 dB SNR stereo playback output and 113 dB SNR recording input
- SupremeFX Shielding Technology
- Supports up to 32-Bit/192kHz playback *2
Audio Feature :
- Optical S/PDIF out port(s) at back panel
- Sonic Radar III
- Sonic Studio III + Sonic Studio Link
09-15-2020 11:29 PM
Raventlov wrote:
DTS is not meant to be used with our motherboard.
SupremeFX 8-Channel High Definition Audio CODEC S1220A
- Dual OP Amplifiers
- Impedance sense for front and rear headphone outputs
- Supports : Jack-detection, Multi-streaming, Front Panel Jack-retasking
- High quality 120 dB SNR stereo playback output and 113 dB SNR recording input
- SupremeFX Shielding Technology
- Supports up to 32-Bit/192kHz playback *2
Audio Feature :
- Optical S/PDIF out port(s) at back panel
- Sonic Radar III
- Sonic Studio III + Sonic Studio Link
09-16-2020 10:41 AM
comfuzio13 wrote:
If it is not meant to be used with our motherboard then why do THEY add this driver to our motherboard?
Anyway, my problem isn't with DTS but with Studio 3 & Sonic 3 that doesn't open at all now saying that the driver isn't correctly installed or that my product isn't supported while the previous driver did indeed support those 2!
On another note, there is also an update on the RamCache III