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AiO Header and CPU Fan headers shut down .

Level 7

So here i was minding my own buisness and i thought i heard a fan stop in the case.

After a quick look both the AIO cooler fans had stopped , these are set to 100% direct control in bios and connected to cpu fans 1 and alt.

Looked again and the light on the cpu pump had gone out as well . again plugged into aio header ditect control , 100%

Surely this should not be able to happen .

And this is not the first time its happened .


I got the same problem here. Has happened twice on my stock 1700 cooler (Wraith Spire). System shuts down, flickers the RGB when powered on, but fails to do anything more (shuts itself off immediately). Had to clear CMOS to get it to boot, and for the fan to ramp up and actually do anything.

Have pause on error enabled, so I reach the message "CPU overheat" "F1 to enter bios", blah blah, which is where I then see the CPU temp at 100 degrees.

Just to try and find a trend, are you guys also running the 1201 bios version? Has anyone had this issue on the earlier version? I might have to forego my OC settings and run a less stable version, just to protect my CPU. If it happens to me again, I'll be rolling back immediately and will report my findings. This is crazy bad, ASUS!

i had the kraken x62 aio on it and i wouldn't work. had it plug in to the aio header first with one of the fans in the cpu header. my temp were almost reaching 100 c on start up so i switch it wot the cpu header and it still never worked ...i remove the kraken x62 and put in the stock fan and it booted fine .. enter the bios and set up the overclock. and went on my way.. stress test the system and it would crash under heavy load .. never went pass 3.8 ghz on my overclock.... the cpu q-led is lit green and the ram is blinking yellow when it crashes ... i use memtest to test the ram and it pass with no errors. so i tested the system in occt and it came back saying the cpu #3 had an error also my voltage is really high on this board i was at 1.425 or higher just on auto .. tried to set my vcore volt at a lower value but it would still crash in real bench .. had my ram set and default and with standard oc and it would still crash... not sure what else to try at this point

BlowUpDaChron wrote:
i had the kraken x62 aio on it and i wouldn't work. had it plug in to the aio header first with one of the fans in the cpu header. my temp were almost reaching 100 c on start up so i switch it wot the cpu header and it still never worked ...i remove the kraken x62 and put in the stock fan and it booted fine .. enter the bios and set up the overclock. and went on my way.. stress test the system and it would crash under heavy load .. never went pass 3.8 ghz on my overclock.... the cpu q-led is lit green and the ram is blinking yellow when it crashes ... i use memtest to test the ram and it pass with no errors. so i tested the system in occt and it came back saying the cpu #3 had an error also my voltage is really high on this board i was at 1.425 or higher just on auto .. tried to set my vcore volt at a lower value but it would still crash in real bench .. had my ram set and default and with standard oc and it would still crash... not sure what else to try at this point

That's interesting that you mention your voltage going really high. I had my system running at 4GHz at 1.375V and my RAM running at 3466C14 at .1.375V on 1401. It all seemed fine when I moved on up to 1403 until a couple of nights ago. *My system powered off for no reason and then trying to get anything stable for overlocking over 3.8GHz and 3200MHz C14 on the RAM has been a true royal pain in the butt for anything remotely stable. I have had two system shutdowns in the past day with the system halting at the POST with a CPU Fan error. I am using an Arctic Cooling Freezer 360 with the pump connected to the AIO connector and the fan controller powering the 6 radiator fans connected to the CPU Fan header. A few minutes before my system shutdown this evening, I noticed my temps were climbing on the CPU slowly while the system was idling. My CPU idle temp is usually around 20C and it was at 45C and climbing before it powered off about 5 minutes later and rebooted to the CPU Fan error.

Are these boards failing or is the 1403 BIOS that much of a clusterf*ck? This is definitely not normal! If I have to RMA this board with no reason as to why this is happening. I am going to go buy something from another manufacture to replace it with. I have Q-Fan disabled also.

Syaoran wrote:
That's interesting that you mention your voltage going really high. I had my system running at 4GHz at 1.375V and my RAM running at 3466C14 at .1.375V on 1401. It all seemed fine when I moved on up to 1403 until a couple of nights ago. *My system powered off for no reason and then trying to get anything stable for overlocking over 3.8GHz and 3200MHz C14 on the RAM has been a true royal pain in the butt for anything remotely stable. I have had two system shutdowns in the past day with the system halting at the POST with a CPU Fan error. I am using an Arctic Cooling Freezer 360 with the pump connected to the AIO connector and the fan controller powering the 6 radiator fans connected to the CPU Fan header. A few minutes before my system shutdown this evening, I noticed my temps were climbing on the CPU slowly while the system was idling. My CPU idle temp is usually around 20C and it was at 45C and climbing before it powered off about 5 minutes later and rebooted to the CPU Fan error.

Are these boards failing or is the 1403 BIOS that much of a clusterf*ck? This is definitely not normal! If I have to RMA this board with no reason as to why this is happening. I am going to go buy something from another manufacture to replace it with. I have Q-Fan disabled also.

yeah i tried to get it to run at 1.35 v at any ghz but it would not .. voltage was always above 1.425 .. i also unplug the four pin cpu power thinking it was the case but it was not soo with the aio failing first on the aio header and my temp reach 100 it brick the cpu ,, when i pull up hardware montier it would show all voltage in my cpu but 0 on core#3 .. but in cinabench it would show that all threads were working at 100% it was weird .. i had a few days left to rma it so i did just that.. wrap up the aio motherboard and cpu and sent it back to newegg ... only problem now is there is no kraken x62 in stock soo i might have to just get a refund :(.. all and all i'm hoping this will all work out with the rma Cuz i really liked the bios on asus motherboards i'm a console gamer who was looking for a better gaming exp but all i got so far is a bad one.. ps4 $600 on day one still works fine .. My Custom Pc almost at $3000 and i'm force to use a laptop ..btw Im Canadian if u are looking those prices saying what!!

BlowUpDaChron wrote:
yeah i tried to get it to run at 1.35 v at any ghz but it would not .. voltage was always above 1.425 .. i also unplug the four pin cpu power thinking it was the case but it was not soo with the aio failing first on the aio header and my temp reach 100 it brick the cpu ,, when i pull up hardware montier it would show all voltage in my cpu but 0 on core#3 .. but in cinabench it would show that all threads were working at 100% it was weird .. i had a few days left to rma it so i did just that.. wrap up the aio motherboard and cpu and sent it back to newegg ... only problem now is there is no kraken x62 in stock soo i might have to just get a refund :(.. all and all i'm hoping this will all work out with the rma Cuz i really liked the bios on asus motherboards i'm a console gamer who was looking for a better gaming exp but all i got so far is a bad one.. ps4 $600 on day one still works fine .. My Custom Pc almost at $3000 and i'm force to use a laptop ..btw Im Canadian if u are looking those prices saying what!!

I am actually Canadian as well. I spent about half of the year in Virginia though. Prices in Canada are way out of control for a lot of things. Gotta love that sinking Peso... I mean, dollar. 😛

I have spent the better part of the day verifying settings. Q-Fan is disabled on everything, including the pump, which should put everything at 100% all of the time. I have cleared the CMOS and even reflashed the BIOS via the button method with a USB key and set everything once again. I did request an RMA through the Asus website and may sent off my board on Monday if I can't find a solution to this mess. My system does have two fan controllers, one of which I could connect the pump to. Not having readings from the radiator fans and pump is not something I would want to settle for.

I am using an Arctic Cooling Freezer 360 but I built a system back in early May for my Mom that uses the Arctic Cooling Freezer 240. Both do an excellent job cooling an overclocked 1700X. The push pull design though requires quite a lot of clearance. If you can't find another Kraken, I don't think you would be disappointed with what Arctic Cooling offers as long as you have the clearance for it.

Syaoran wrote:
I am actually Canadian as well. I spent about half of the year in Virginia though. Prices in Canada are way out of control for a lot of things. Gotta love that sinking Peso... I mean, dollar. 😛

I have spent the better part of the day verifying settings. Q-Fan is disabled on everything, including the pump, which should put everything at 100% all of the time. I have cleared the CMOS and even reflashed the BIOS via the button method with a USB key and set everything once again. I did request an RMA through the Asus website and may sent off my board on Monday if I can't find a solution to this mess. My system does have two fan controllers, one of which I could connect the pump to. Not having readings from the radiator fans and pump is not something I would want to settle for.

I am using an Arctic Cooling Freezer 360 but I built a system back in early May for my Mom that uses the Arctic Cooling Freezer 240. Both do an excellent job cooling an overclocked 1700X. The push pull design though requires quite a lot of clearance. If you can't find another Kraken, I don't think you would be disappointed with what Arctic Cooling offers as long as you have the clearance for it.

i will tried to disabled q fan the next time i set up /.. it will be running off of the cam software anyways soo i don't thinkin it will matter
my motherboard wouldn't let me use the flashback after awhile i used it twice and after that it would blink twice and then just stay blue
i rma the whole set up aio motherboard and cpu.. i had it two days from newegg soo i had lots of time to send it back .. if i can't get the kraken i will be getting evga clc 280mm for my cooler its a gen 5 pump like the rest and it falls in between nzxt and the kraken for cooling i think just one dregree off or something .. thanks for your input

Everyone with fan / aio issues - I was previously having issues with my fans/AIO randomly going out completely or going to max, as well as random temp sensors going out or reporting ridiculous and always changing numbers (-79 up to 111C and back).

What fixed everything for me was updating AIDA64 to the latest BETA (apprently the current stable release actually breaks our SIO causing all the temp/fan issues) - then rebooting and saving my BIOS to a USB/Profile slot. Then unplugged the system completely and removed the graphics card to get to the battery on the motherboard. Leave it out a few min then put it back in and reinstall graphics card / plug the power cable to the system back in. Clear the CMOS using the button on the back of the motherboard and then power the system up - go to BIOS and restore your saved one.

Since I did this i've had no issues at all with fans/aio/temps. This may not work for you, but I found all these things on various forums over the period of a few weeks and after putting them all together the combination worked for me.

supertrekie wrote:
Everyone with fan / aio issues - I was previously having issues with my fans/AIO randomly going out completely or going to max, as well as random temp sensors going out or reporting ridiculous and always changing numbers (-79 up to 111C and back).

What fixed everything for me was updating AIDA64 to the latest BETA (apprently the current stable release actually breaks our SIO causing all the temp/fan issues) - then rebooting and saving my BIOS to a USB/Profile slot. Then unplugged the system completely and removed the graphics card to get to the battery on the motherboard. Leave it out a few min then put it back in and reinstall graphics card / plug the power cable to the system back in. Clear the CMOS using the button on the back of the motherboard and then power the system up - go to BIOS and restore your saved one.

Since I did this i've had no issues at all with fans/aio/temps. This may not work for you, but I found all these things on various forums over the period of a few weeks and after putting them all together the combination worked for me.

My system hasn't seemed to had this issue for almost a day now. Hopefully it doesn't happen again but we shall see. The only thing I have changed in my system was in the power settings in Windows. For some reason, the minimum processor frequency was set to 0, which I manually set to 3900, my current CPU setting. My system did not lock up over night and hasn't had any temp sensor issues since that change. Because the issue is random though, it may just be fluke luck. Hopefully not though.

Syaoran wrote:
My system hasn't seemed to had this issue for almost a day now. Hopefully it doesn't happen again but we shall see. The only thing I have changed in my system was in the power settings in Windows. For some reason, the minimum processor frequency was set to 0, which I manually set to 3900, my current CPU setting. My system did not lock up over night and hasn't had any temp sensor issues since that change. Because the issue is random though, it may just be fluke luck. Hopefully not though.

Well if it does it again - pulling the power + battery is the only way to reset the SIO that controls all the sensors apparently. Been a few days now constant uptime and still no issues for me since doing it.

supertrekie wrote:
Well if it does it again - pulling the power + battery is the only way to reset the SIO that controls all the sensors apparently. Been a few days now constant uptime and still no issues for me since doing it.

Will do! Asus should push something in the next BIOS release that resets the sensors just to make sure this doesn't happen to anyone else. This issue can potentially brick hardware, which isn't a good thing.